It’s Husky Time…

Maru just can’t stop smiling. I guess when you’re 1 year and some change old, smiling is something you do without any particular reason. Huskies are usually described as friendly and gentle, alert and outgoing. Maru’s happy-go-lucky attitude confirms that Huskies don’t display the common traits of the guard dog. On the contrary, his smile is very inviting and stranger friendly.

Take a look at his adorable pictures, and don’t forget to smile!

Cuz I’m happy…

Pretty much the only serious picture of Maru. But then, dating is a serious thing…

The carrot vampire… As scary as it gets…

I want what he’s having!

Are you smiling yet?

Want to see some more smiley faces? Get your smile on by visiting Maru’s Gallery of Happinness!

All images @maruhusky
