Any Shih Tzu can handle the snow if dressed right.
Bath twice a day to be really clean, once a day to be passably clean, once a week to avoid being a public menace.
A few moments passed since my last entry.
After a couple of seconds of intensive reading about the controversy of Thanksgiving, I was determined to spend it with love and gratitude.
A few days ago I was diagnosed with selective memory syndrome.
I hear many women complain about how difficult it is to find a decent boyfriend.
I have been pretty busy the last couple of weeks.
The only time, success comes before work, is in the English dictionary.
This year I was the most fabulous and unofficial guest of the Oktoberfest Costume and Riflemen’s Parade.
Last week I visited a wonderful friend who happened to have two fantastic boys for kids.
I don’t like showers. It’s a total waste of time.
I, just like you, have an exciting job.
My name is Puchi and I’m a Shih Tzu who lives the fabulous life.