My Shades are Cooler than Yours
The theme of the first You’ve been punned… is – as you can easily tell – dogs wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses are the coolest thing invented since beach chair. As Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino once said: “Most people make the assumption that I wear trendy shades the majority of the time (often indoors) to protect my eyes from the elements. But in fact it’s the reverse. I’m protecting the elements from the brilliance of my eyes.”
You’ve been punned… features your stunning pictures selected by me, the fabulous Puchi. The seriously funny captions are composed by the hilariously punny Poodle Dougal.
Check out these cool dogs rocking the shades like true rock stars and find out what Dougal, the Punny Poodle, had to say about it.
You’ve been punned… 5 Shades of Cool
When Beyoncé says you’re irreplaceable: #DIVAineInspiration
Disguise the limits
If you look at this photo and you don’t want to lei me… Mai Tai suggest you have your eyes tested!
Bad to the Boa
You don’t like my hood?! Ghettoutta here!
To reduce the discovery time, please tag your pictures with fluff_stuff on Instagram.